Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Apocalypse, now?

A few photographs of iconic landmarks in Japan and Italy, lying forlorn, emptied of tourists, eerily remind one of the Will Smith-starrer 2007 Sci-fi film "I Am Legend", in which the protagonist finds himself alone in the crowd of skyscrapers in New York city after a virus has wiped out 90 per cent of the Earth's population.

The coronavirus pandemic proves, once again, that despite proclaiming ourselves as all-powerful, we are just a vulnerable, weak species, trying to lord over the universe and inventing deadly weapons to fight over pieces of land we claim to be ours, but mostly failing when it comes to combating a micro-organism or even a disease like cancer.

Some people may harbour grandiose delusions because of their race, community, religion, financial status and other such man-made things, but they also find themselves facing an equal threat as those they consider as inferior. That's why the sages and saints, the wise men, always told us about the oneness of human race, howsoever ridiculous it may sound in this age.

Pic: ftom internet

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