Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Lockdown journal: 14.04.2020

In the season of new years and harvest festivals in various states of India, remembering my childhood visits in the day of Bangla Nabo Barsho to a few shops to which my mom was a regular customer. The shopkeepers will open their new cash-books in the new year (some will prefer to do it on Akshay Tritiya, though). They will offer a box of sweets and a rolled up Bengali calendar to all visitors. As soon as we return home, I will unroll the calendar, bearing images of gods and goddesses, and auspicious symbols, and go through the pages printed in blue letters with orange borders (these colours were used, traditionally) to look for holidays, especially Durga Puja dates.

This year, such traders are going through a phase of uncertainty. (So are people in many professions and jobs, even in media). It is not a "shubho nabo barsho" as such.

Only hoping that everyone remains safe and comes out mostly unscathed on the other side of this.

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